
Catalogue Content Management (CCM)

Catalogue Content Management (CCM) is part of the Netherlands Governments eCommerce Shared Service which is available for use by all Netherlands public sector bodies.

The CCM system is based on the ePPS platform of EUROPEAN DYNAMICS S.A.

Buyer services

CCM offers a standard and compliant environment for the management of electronic catalogues that are part of national, sectoral or local contracts. It will support and enable increased compliance to contracts, drive out contract management information and allow suppliers and procurement teams to easily manage, approve and distribute content to public sector bodies through one central electronic repository:

  • For public sector procurement teams, CCM provides validation, approval and publication workflow to ensure that catalogues are accurate and valid.
  • For public sector requisitioners, CCM provides the functionality to search catalogues and create shopping baskets for approval and transmission to suppliers.

Supplier services

For suppliers, CCM provides a catalogue creation tool that enables the upload of catalogues for approval by public sector procurement teams. Suppliers can also self-serve and make amendments to current catalogues.